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01 Oct 2024

Menopause in tech: Why one in five women consider quitting work


Despite the tech industry's reputation for innovation and progress, its approach to supporting women through menopause appears significantly stunted. Our recent research report, commissioned by Censuswide and based on a survey of 1,000 women, reveals almost two-thirds of professionals (62%) experience high levels of disruption due to menopause. Alarmingly, one in five (20%) also consider quitting their jobs because of it.

These sobering statistics uncover a critical gap that employers must address – not only to foster a more inclusive culture and help battle the stigma surrounding menopause, but to retain their female talent too.

The silent struggle undermining gender progress

Once a growing part of the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) agenda, efforts to empower women in tech roles have taken a major hit recently. From the closure of female-focused nonprofits – including Women Who Code and Girls in Tech – to dwindling investments for female-founded startups, the funding squeeze presents a major bottleneck for progress. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

According to hoomph's recent report, Menopause in the workplace: Breaking the silence, help for women battling the effects of menopause at work is also severely lacking, exacerbating the gender gap holding our working women back. Almost three-quarters (72%) of respondents experience – or have experienced – a lack of support from employers during this critical life stage. From hot flashes and muscle aches to memory lapses and depression, the symptoms of menopause cause high levels of disruption for almost two-thirds (62%) of professionals in tech too, with more than one in five (20%) admitting to having considered quitting their role as a result. 

Importantly, these challenges don’t just impact women in the height of menopause. In fact, for many respondents, early symptoms needn’t have even started before the desire for information sets in; more than three-quarters (82%) of women in technology voice a wish for greater awareness surrounding menopause, both during and before they’ve experienced it.


Hidden costs of menopause at work

For many women, menopause coincides with the most crucial point in their careers. In such a high-pressure, results-driven environment, where technical skills and innovation are front and centre, discussions surrounding health and wellness can often feel stigmatised. Professional women may fear scrutiny from colleagues and superiors, concerned they may be perceived as less ‘capable’ or ‘committed’ in their role, directly impacting their career progression.

To this end, women may feel compelled to remain silent about their struggles or even exit the industry of their own accord. Whether through unmanageable symptoms or inadequate support, this not only exacerbates the gender gap in a sector already lacking parity, but also causes companies to lose seasoned, highly skilled professionals. In other words, it’s a lose-lose situation for both employees and employers. And there’s no better time to take action than now.


How can tech leaders take a stand?

The fact nearly three-quarters of women in tech claim to feel unsupported during menopause, coupled with considerations surrounding quitting, highlights a deeper systematic issue. As such, approaches to menopause support require a drastic overhaul to stand any near-term correction. 

At a policy level, we can expect some changes from the UK government over the coming weeks. Specifically, Labour is set to enforce guidance for employers on how to support menopausal employees, with companies hosting more than 250 people required to create a Menopause Action Plan. It’s an excellent step in the right direction, building on foundations set in the Equality Act 2010 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, but not a holy grail.

To arm teams with tailored resources specific to their working environment, employers will need to dig a little deeper – fostering open dialogue with their female colleagues to understand exactly which challenges they face and what can be done to alleviate them at work. And why wait until there’s a mandate in place? Building a strong, people-focused strategy should take place sooner rather than later, to help break the silence for women facing menopause and improve overall job fulfilment. Employers should:

  • Incorporate a comprehensive menopause policy. This should cover practical adjustments and long-term strategies – making the day-to-day more manageable, while offering peace of mind on factors like performance benchmarks and career progression.

  • Encourage open communication around menopause. Supporting initiatives could include education sessions, ‘lunch and learn’ drop-ins, peer support networks, and access to trusted subject matter experts, to name a few.

  • Offer flexible working options. From remote working to reduced hours, flexible working accommodates severe symptoms, helps employees manage appointments, and supports a healthy work-life balance.

  • Recognise menopause in company policies. This includes absence procedures, where menopause-related sicknesses are logged separately to avoid unfair penalties.

  • Afford menopause a place on the DEI agenda. Emphasise its importance in employee wellbeing and inclusivity, while helping to break the stigma surrounding the impact of menopause on women in tech.


Importantly, employers should also approach menopause discussions with caution. While changing discourse from taboo to empowering is key, acknowledging that some women may prefer to keep their experience private is equally critical in creating a progressive culture.

Ready to lead the charge and drive a thriving, inclusive workplace culture?

Powered by people, not process, our dedicated HR specialists will help you place employees facing menopause at the heart of your strategy – simply get in touch. Or, if you’d like to dig deeper behind the results of our report, download your free copy today.


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